This thesis began with the premise that museums of literature should perform roles of compositive cultural-space in which readers can enjoy literature there directly. And the purpose of the thesis is to introduce successful operating cases of museums of literature and to seek improvement of Dongni & Mok-Wal museum of literature on the basis that the value and use of museums of literature have been changed. The thesis examined the management of ‘Sonagi Village,’ ‘Kim You-Jeong Village of Literature’ and ‘Hyosuk Lee Museum of Literature,’ and analyzed their success factors. The thesis concluded that only when museums of literature offer compositive experience of literature, can they be successful literary contents. The thesis sought the way in which Dongni & Mok-Wal Museum of Literature can be improved as an experience museum of literature, and concluded that the museum should use historical, cultural and environmental factors of Gyeongju and adopt literature tours. ‘The writer of our time who we meet in Banwolseong,’ ‘Walking on Geoncheon roads and seeking first love.’ and ‘Visiting Yegiso in which Mo-Hwa lives’ are immediately viable plans. The plans can lead to successful tourist industry with the use of the literary space and environmental factors of Gyeongju. And also the thesis suggested the operation of shuttle buses, the restoration of birth place, and the training of specialists. Now, Dongni & Mok-Wal museum of literature has functioned as only a showroom and does not have its own feature. The thesis suggested action plans to change the museum into compositive cultural-space which readers enjoy visiting. Not only can the museum improve its own quality and advantage, but also Gyeongju can become the city of literature with the image of historic capital of a thousand-year kingdom, Silla.