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현재적 모순과 비극적 역사의 기록 임철우의 「붉은방」을 중심으로
Record of modern contradictions and tragic history
김미나 ( Mi Na Kim )
한국문화기술 11권 35-60(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-002028449

looks back the wounds of the past through the present, and then again back to reality, recalls trace of war and division. It uses many device to demonstrate the fact that the present as well as the past has continued with no change at all and there is no improving and there is only a circulation of that. The writer of this book criticizes all of the readers who live with the thought that they are free and live with worry-free in the framework of democracy. This book lets readers know that the reality which we live in now is full of contradictions and the root cause of that contradiction is laid in our history and there is a country that wields power in the dark by using that history. Also this book makes readers recognize that everyone is ruled with power not knowing anything rather than living their lives as they are and that it could be my turn soon. That is, this book hopes that every people recognize them as Oh gi sub and Choi dal sik and have self-reflection and look for expedient that can revert. Even though the work was announced in the past, there are much work that are discussed actively, like this. It is Im chul woo who has continuously worked from the time of the announcement of to now. But the fact that research related to this work is insufficient means there are much work that was not viewed properly not yet. It becomes 61th through the 60th anniversary of the independence and there are many events related to May 18 uprising of Gwanju but even today, the fact that mentioned above is unchanging. Discussing modern work which is continuously changing is also important but we have need to remind whether we forget the past work which described historical events and painful past.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]