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관형막을 이용한 혐기소화조의 전처리 농축공정으로써 적용가능성 연구
Research Application of tubular membrane to thickening process as a pre-treatment of anaerobic digester
강희석 ( Hee Seok Kang ) , 박기태 ( Ki Tae Park ) , 박정우 ( Jung Woo Park ) , 김형수 ( Hyung Soo Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002028102
* This article cannot be purchased.

The purpose of this study is to estimate the applicability of a stable anaerobic digester using a separator membrane to the preprocessing thickening process. The results of the experiments showed about a 47.16% weight loss rate for the sludge under anaerobic condition, and about 41.17% under intermittent aeration condition. The concentrations of rejection water were SCODCr 25 mg/L, T-N 16.6 mg/L, and T-P 1.4 mg/L on the average under the intermittent aeration condition, which were lower than the concentrations of rejection water under an anaerobic condition. As for the factors affecting the reduction of the flux, correlation analyses of TTF, MLSS, SCODCr, and EPSProtein, EPSPolysacchride resulted in -0.97, -0.95, -0.84 and -0.86, -0.95, respectively, which showed that TTF had the highest correlation to the reduction of the flux. In addition, it was concluded that MLSS, SCODCr and EPSProtein, EPSPolysacchride also have close correlations. The results are considered to show that, in the case of the process using a tubular membrane in the preprocessing process of an anaerobic digester, an intermittent aeration condition of the thickener considering the contamination of the membrane and load of rejection water is appropriate for the stable preprocessing process.

1. 서 론
2. 실험장치 및 방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결 론
사 사
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]