Current Sanjo is learned using most staff notation. But, Sanjo’s interval can not appear correctly to staff notation because is different from temperament. So, purpose of this research is measuring difference of Sanjo’s interval and temperament. I studied about Parkjongseon’s Ajaengsanjo that many performers play in concert. Used Praat that is sound analysis software to measure Sanjo’s pitch. Used Microsoft Excel to calculate pitch data efficiently. And compared with temperament of staff notation after change pitch data to Pyeongjo and Gyemyeonjo’s interval. Pyeongjo’s scale has been known as “sol-la-do-re-(mi or fa)”. According to analysis result, “sol”, “la”, “fa” is similar with pitch of scale known when based “do” that is keynote. But, “re, mi” may have to appear as “re b, mi b” because was measured low more than 100cent. Last sound of Pyeongjo scale is very unstable sound if see “mi or fa” as one. But, if see it as two, Pyeongjo is scale that have 6 note. Is going to need much research and discussion to solve these question. Gyemyeonjo’s scale has been known as “mi-sol-la-si-do-re”. But, if follow in measurement result, “sol” that is second sound appeared higher than “sol #”.