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음악적 시간성의 변화에 대한 미학적 연구 -20세기 후반 이후 음악에 나타난 시간성 개념을 중심으로-
Aesthetic Meanings of the Changes in Musical Time -A Study on the Musical Time after the late 20th century Music-
오희숙 ( Hee Sook Oh )
음악과 현실 vol. 49 13-50(38pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-600-002034347

In this paper, I have researched the aesthetics of musical time (Zeitlichkeit). Music is the art of time, and musical time represents unique style and aesthetics. However, music radically changed in 20th century. Therefore, musical time changed, as well. The Aesthetic Meanings of musical time after the late 20th century are the main subjects of this study. Through the study, I have found four changes from traditional time; firstly, the change from linear time to circle time in the pluralistic style. Secondly, the change from deterministic time to open time in the music of chance. Thirdly, the change from teleological time to stationary time in minimal music. And finally, the change from real time to Bergson’s time concept of ‘the stream of consciousness’ in the opera of Unsuk Chin. So to speak, since 20th century, musical time has been consistently deconstructed and again reconstructed into a new category. The change of music indicates a change of time, and it can interact with a whole philosophy and art, as well as the change of society and science.

논의의 출발: 음악적 시간성의 미학
Ⅰ. 단선형의 시간에서 공 모양의 시간으로: 다원주의 양식의 시간성
Ⅱ. 결정론적 시간에서 열린 시간으로: 우연성 음악의 시간성
Ⅲ. 목적지향적 시간에서 정지된 시간으로: 미니멀 음악의 시간성
Ⅳ. 현실적 시간에서 ‘의식의 흐름’으로: 진은숙과 베르그송
맺음말: 창조적인 음악적 시간성을 향하여
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]