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요통으로 한방병원에 입원한 환자 601명에 대한 후향적 연구
Characteristics of 601 Low Back Pain Patients: A Korean Medicine Hospital Experience, Retrospective Chart Review
남대진 ( Dae Jin Nam ) , 오민석 ( Min Seok Oh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002032502

Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of inpatients who were admitted to Korean medicine hospital due to low back pain. Methods The current study was designed as a retrospective chart review to investigate descriptive characteristics of LBP patients. The clinical records of 601 patients who were hospitalized for treatment of LBP in Cheonan Korean Medicine Hospital, Daejeon University from 1st, January, 2013 to 31th, December, 2013 were analyzed. Results 1. Most frequently given diagnosis was sprain and strain of lumbar (45.93%). 2. Female outnumbered male patients in all disease groups except fracture of lumbar spine. 3. In distribution according to age, sprain and strain of lumbar, HNP of L-spine and lumbago with sciatica were most frequent at 30s, fracture of lumbar spine was most frequent at 50s and spinal stenosis was most frequent at 70s. 4. The most frequently motive for low back pain was traffic accident (35.4%) 5. Patients with no related medical history were 76.95% 6. 0~1week interval between onset and visit to Korean Medicine Hospital was most frequent in all disease groups. 7. 50.85% of patients went through treatment at medical institutions before the admitting to Korean Medicine Hospital. 8. The average admission days of female was higher than male``s. And age goes up, average duration of admission was longer. 9. In most (74.59%) of the patients, symptoms were more than improved. 10. Most frequently prescribed examination was X-ray (65.13%). 11. Most frequently prescribed herb medicine was whal-lak-tang (Huoluo-tang). Conclusions In most (74.59%) of the patients, symptoms were more than improved, especially in sprain and strain of lumbar and lumbago with sciatica. But Patients with a local hospital statistic is not be representative of the incidence of the population. In order to obtain more accurate statistics, it is necessary to compare analysis collect statistics from other medical hospitals. (J Korean Med Rehab 2015;25(2):135-153)

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]