본 연구는, 한국어모어화자 일본어학습자들에게 어려운 유의어를 대상으로, 구분 개념의 핵심 이미지를 도출하고,도식화교수법이라는 교육실험을 통해 검증함으로써, 일본어 어휘교육을 효과적으로 수행하기 위한 교수 모델을 제안하는 것이다. 연구대상은 오용 가능성이 높은 <아프다.痛い : 아프다.病氣だ>, <찾다.探す : 찾다.見つける>와 같이 한.일간 1대2 대응(L1:L2)하거나, <앞.前 : 앞.手前 : 앞.先>과 같이 1대3 대응(L1:L3)하는 일대다대응 유의어군이다. 연구순서는 진단평가, 이미지 도식모델 제작 후 교육실험, 성취평가 순이다. 진단과 성취도평가 모두 유의어 항목은 같으며 예문만 다른 방식으로, 교육 전·후 평가에 대한 향상도 차이를, 항목별과 초.중.상 레벨별로 분석하였다. 실험항목은 문헌조사 그리고 한국어모어화자 일본어학습자를 대상으로 한 설문조사를 통해 추출한 학습난제 유의어 185항목 중, 품사별 비율에 따라 20종을 선정하였다. 실험대상자는 중부권 S대학의 전공.비전공학생 총 74명이다. 교육실험 결과 초.중 상 레벨 총 평균 향상도가 44%로 나타났다. 이는 교육시간 80분이라는 초단기 실험으로는 괄목할 만한 성장세로, 유의어의 의미구분교육에서 이미지의 도식화교수법의 효과를 대변해주고 있다하겠다. 또한본 연구는 드러난 오용을 분석하기보다 오용방지에 주안점을 두는 과제해결형으로서 한국어모어화자 일본어 학습자는 물론 비모어화자 교사 또는 일본어 모어화자 교사에게 오용방지를 위한 유용한 교육자료로 제공할 수 있다. 향후과제로는 구분교육이 필요한 185개 항목 전체에 대한 도식화 모델을 제작하고, 이를 필요로 하는 학습자와 교사 모두에게 배포하는 작업이 남아있다.
The present study is aiming to investigate on the effectiveness of teaching method for Japanese vocabulary learning and suggest the effective teaching method to distinguish the meanings of Japanese synonyms for NNS learners. In the study, the vocabulary teaching method is defined as the image schematization method, which expects to foster Japanese synonym learning under the time constrained learning environment. To collect the data, the quasi-experimental design was formed and the 80-minute-instruction for vocabulary learning and the pre-and-post set of vocabulary tests were conducted. For the instructional treatments, 20 items, extracted from 185 synonyms that are frequently misworded in Japanese vocabulary learning were instructed and the items consist of nouns(N=3), adjectives (N=3), adverbs(N=2) and prepositions(N=10). In the results, the total score of vocabulary learning test was increased up to 44% and the mean scores were reported as 59% in control group (without synonym) and 28% in experimental group(with synonym) respectively. For the further comparison, vocabulary learning groups were divided into three levels; elementary, intermediate. In the control group, the increase of vocabulary learning was highly reported in the intermediated level, and the increases of advanced and elementary levels were reported in sequence. It implies that vocabulary in the elementary level includes low level of understandings. By contrast, in the experimental group, the increase of vocabulary learning was highly reported in the elementary level, and the increases of intermediate and advanced levels were reported in sequence. It implies that providing synonyms for vocabulary learning is effective for the elementary level but not for the advanced level. In addition, in the comparison of parts of speech learning, the elementary level showed the higher increase on noun acquisition, the intermediate level showed some increase on most parts of speech, and the advanced level reported the higher increase on nouns, adjectives and adverbs respectively. It implies that noun acquisition with image schematization method is effective on Japanese vocabulary learning for elementary and advanced levels of NNS learners. In addition, the study conducted the course evaluation from students and found that 55% of participants have never been instructed with synonym instruction for Japanese vocabulary learning and expressed the strong preference on synonym instruction and image schematization method(i.e. 98% of total responses).