자연일장이 짧은 조건에서 온실과 같은 시설에서는 인위적으로 일장을 연장하여 작물 생육을 촉진하기 위해서 고압나트륨등, 백열등과 메탈할라이드등과 같은 다양한 인공광원을 이용하여 보광한다. 기존의 인공광원은 전력소모량이 높기 때문에 발광다이오드와 같이, 램프 수명이 길고 전력소모량이 적은 광원을 이용한 보광재배가 시도되고 있다. 녹즙용 엽채류의 하나인 케일을 재배하는 온실내에 삼파장등, 나트륨등 및 적색의 발광다이오드를 인공광원으로 하여 1일 3~6시간보광하여 재배한 결과, 케일 잎의 생체중 및 건물중은 보광강도 1.2 μmol/m2/s 적색 LEDs 보광구, 12 μmol/m2/s 삼파장등 보광구와 나트륨 보광구에서 보광하지 않은 자연광구에 비해 유의하게 증가하였다. 적색 LEDs 보광구에서는 보광강도가 증가할수록 케일 잎내 당합성량이 유의하게 증가하였으며, 평당 수확량 또한 최대값을 나타내었다. 본 실험을 통하여 온실조건에서 일출 및 일몰시 삼파장등, 나트륨등 및 적색LEDs 인공광을 이용한 보광광원 및 광질을 제어하는 보광재배로, 케일 잎의 생체중, 건물중, 엽내 당합성 및 수확량을 증가시킬 수 있었다. 특히, 보광강도 1.2 μmol/m2/s의 적색LEDs는 삼파장등이나 나트륨등에 비해 전기에너지 소모량을 절감하면서 케일 잎의 생장 및 수확량을 유의하게 증가시킨 것으로 보아 보광광원으로서의 이용성이 기대된다.
BACKGROUND: For commercial production of greenhouse crops under shorter day length condition, supplementary radiation has been usually achieved by the artificial light source with higher electric consumption such as high-pressure sodium, metal halide, or incandescent lamps. Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) with several characteristics, however, have been considered as a novel light source for plant production. Effects of supplementary lighting provided by the artificial light sources on growth of Kale seedlings during shorter day length were discussed in this experiment. METHODS AND RESULTS: Kale seedlings were grown under greenhouse under the three wave lamps (3 W), sodium lamps (Na), and red LEDs (peak at 630 nm) during six months, and leaf growth was observed at intervals of about 30 days after light exposure for 6 hours per day at sunrise and sunset. Photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of supplementary red LEDs on the plant canopy was maintained at 0.1 (RL), 0.6 (RM), and 1.2 (RH) μmol/m2/s PPF. PPF in 3 W and Na treatments was measured at 12 μ mol/m2/s. Natural light (NL) was considered as a control. Leaf fresh weight of the seedlings was more than 100% increased under the 3 W, Na and RH treatment compared to natural light considering as a conventional condition. Sugar synthesis in Kale leaves was significantly promoted by the RM or RH treatment. Leaf yield per 3.3 m2 exposed by red LEDs of 1.2 μmol/m2/s PPF was 9% and 16% greater than in 3W or Na with a higher PPF, respectively. CONCLUSION: Growth of the leafy Kale seedlings were significantly affected by the supplementary radiation provided by three wave lamp, sodium lamp, and red LEDs with different light intensities during the shorter day length under greenhouse conditions. From this study, it was suggested that the leaf growth and secondary metabolism of Kale seedlings can be controlled by supplementary radiation using red LEDs of 1.2 μmol/m2/s PPF as well as three wave or sodium lamps in the experiment.