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An Energy Efficient Distributed Approach-Based Agent Migration Scheme for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
( Govind P Gupta ) , ( Manoj Misra ) , ( Kum Kum Garg )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002068922

The use of mobile agents for collaborative processing in wireless sensor network has gained considerable attention. This is when mobile agents are used for data aggregation to exploit redundant and correlated data. The efficiency of agent-based data aggregation depends on the agent migration scheme. However, in general, most of the proposed schemes are centralized approach-based schemes where the sink node determines the migration paths for the agents before dispatching them in the sensor network. The main limitations with such schemes are that they need global network topology information for deriving the migration paths of the agents, which incurs additional communication overhead, since each node has a very limited communication range. In addition, a centralized approach does not provide fault tolerant and adaptive migration paths. In order to solve such problems, we have proposed a distributed approach-based scheme for determining the migration path of the agents where at each hop, the local information is used to decide the migration of the agents. In addition, we also propose a local repair mechanism for dealing with the faulty nodes. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme performs better than existing schemes in the presence of faulty nodes withinthe networks, and manages to report the aggregated data to the sink faster.

1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. System Model and Assumptions
4. Proposed Protocol
5. Performance Analysis
6. Conclusion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]