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오름트레킹 운동프로그램이 체지방량과 근육량, 그리고 내장지방에 미치는 영향 및 상관관계 분석
The effects and correlation on the body fat, muscle mass and visceral fat with an exercise program of Oreum trekking
현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ) , 이애리 ( Ae Ri Lee ) , 류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-600-002068369

The purpose of this study was to analyze effects and corretaIirn on the body fat, ll1llScle mass and visceral fat with an exercise program of Oreum trekking Participants selected as subject were consisted of healthy men and women(men[n=12] women[n=7] mean age: 23.31±1.76 yrs, mean height: 170.45±7.31 cm, mean body mass: 66.50±10.84 kg, mean body mass index: 22.73+2.30 kg/m2). The exercise program of Oreum trekking were performed for 4 hours(trekking: 50 minute, rest10 minute) with trekking speed at a 4 km per hr. during 6days. As a result, the following conclusions obtained were as follows. The body fat, visceral fat area and visceral fat showed rrnre decrease according to periods of Oreum trekking exercise. Also, ll1llScle mass didn`t show significant difference statistically according to periods of Oreum trekking exercise. The body fat showed similar rorrelatian pattern; with visceral fat(r =.678[R2=46%]), with visceral fat area(r ~.878[R``=77%]) decrease of according to periods of Oreum trekking exercise. Also, visceral fat showed similar correlation patterns with visceral fat area(r=932[R2=869%])

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]