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KCI 후보
해저 파이프라인의 전체 좌굴 제어 방법 비교
A Comparative Study of Subsea Pipeline Global Buckling Control Method
김구 ( Koo Kim ) , 김도균 ( Do Kyun Kim ) , 최한석 ( Han Suk Choi ) , 박규식 ( Kyu Sik Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002078006

Global buckling is a bending of pipeline and it occurs when the stability of pipeline is distributed by excessive axial force. Subesea pipeline is subjected to axial force induced by temperature and pressure from well and resulting phenomena should be controlled in appropriate manner. Global buckling of subsea pipeline is still ongoing research subject and is studied various organization. In this study, various control methods such as buoyancy module, sleeper, and snake lay for global buckling of subsea pipeline were numerically investigated with various design parameters. From the numerical simulation results, the global buckling control method using sleepers shows better results than buoyancy module and snake lay control methods in the sense of combined stress after buckling. Furthermore, the global buckling of full scale pipeline of 80km with uneven seabed profile were successfully managed when the sleeper was installed.

1. 서론
2. 파이프라인 전체좌굴
3. 전체좌굴 제어 수치예제
4. 결 론
감사의 글
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]