This paper accomplishes the following points: First, the costume style held by women in the Silla dynastyare examined. Second, a new fashion concept is drawn from Silla``s costume images with lessons fromanalyzing how major brands from China and Japan have adopted their own traditional images. Third, a Koreanfashion concept is crafted to reflect important modern fashion design factors. The conclusions of thisstudy are: The concept of Korean fashion using Silla costume image based on the 2015 S/S trend was developedand suggested as: ``Harmony of Contrast``, new beauty created by mutually contrasting things; ``Timeless``transcending time-space flowing from the past, present, to future; ``Empathy`` where past and present areharmonized; ``Modern with Antique`` expressing a new style modernism where the old retains value. The effortsto express identity via conceptualization of Korean fashion are an effective strategy that satisfies thegoals of setting Korea``s fashion design apart from others and spreading Korean culture.