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한국과 중국의 양금기보법 비교연구: 개량양금 기술표현체계 개발을 전제로
A Comparative Study between Korean Yang Geum Notation and Chinese Yangqin Notation -On the Premise of Modernized Yang Geum Technical Expression System Development-
윤은화 ( Yin Hua Yin ) , 양미지 ( Mi Ji Yang )
음악과 문화 vol. 32 137-175(39pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-600-002083577

The Yang geum mentioned Guracheolsahyeongeum (歐邏鐵絃琴) by Yeonam Park, Ji-won in Western Yang guem. Originally,Yang geum was a sort of Dulcimer. It has been translated and spread to the world under the names such as Tympanon, Harkvert, Cembalo and Yangqin. Actually new traditional music composition skills in Korea are represented and required in several ways through the Modernized Yang Geum, but the real state of a study on sign system of the modernized Yang Geum`` new performing technique is poor. Accordingly, this study was made to develop a newly improved Yang Geum``s performing technique sign system by searching the existing Chinese Yangqin, Korean Traditional Yang Geum and Modernized Yang Geum``s performing technique sign systems. Yang Geum has been actively played, studied and improved as a folk musical instrument of the world, while the Korean Yang Geum research has continued to have little on traditional music. The Korean Traditional Yang Geum is dominated mainly by one-handed technique, whose tune is frequently changed by environment. And popular acceptance is poor due to the limit of the instrument noisy tuning. As a result, China``s Modernized Yang Geum Performing Technique Sign has been systematically studied for a long time and organized and mentioned on the first top part of any manual. This notated a special technique playing in commonly used sign when playing the Modernized Yang Geum Performing that led to the correct Modernized Yang Geum performing expression. First, the Chinese Modernized Yang Geum is composed by staff notation and number notation, and the correct technique training is good by the notation system of performing technique. Second, the Korean Traditional Yang Geum is composed by staff notation(except jungganbo), and the notation sign system ofjungganbo was used by the notation sign system of performing technique when having reverse score of staff notation. Third, Korea``s 18strings Modernized Yang Geum improved the musical instrument by magnifying the register of the Korean Traditional Yang Geum and the notation system was notated by the staff notation of the West. The notation sign systems of performing technique includes left hand slapping · Zither Stick · vibrato · rolling the stick · One-time pushing · twice pushing · pushing from the bottom sound · glissando · grace note · continuation technique · chord technique · barrier slapping technique · left-hand technique · right-hand technique · arpeggio · banchegui technique · staccato · tremolo · two voice tremolo · vibrato · mute technique. However, several performing techniques by composers are reported cause chaos, and even the same performing notation is differently indicated to have poor precision shown. Fourth, Korea``s 43strings Modernized Yang Geum is a musical instrument improved by the North Korea``s Yang Geum with all techniques of the existing instrument 18strings Modernized Yang Geum accepted that led not only to Korean music but to several musics. This allowed the suspension of the existing 18strings Improved Yang Geum to be expanded, the traditionality and merits of the existing Modernized Yang Geum to be preserved by improving the musical instruments such as pedaling, the new Modernized Yang Geum performing technique to be expanded according the demand of a new era, and several technique expressions to be progressively presented. As a result, the Korean Modernized Yang Geum``s new performing technique sign systempresented the pedal, Goejo rate, performing technique of two stick, semitone technique expression system by expanding the existing Modernized Yang Geum performing technique except the rolling the stick, arpeggio, tremolo, vibrato. Like this, 43strings Modernized Yang Geum is the musical instrument improved to play several musics not only of the existing 18strings Modernized Yang Geum performing techniques but also new traditional music, which seems to be the beginning to raise importance of the future new traditional music Yang Geum``simportance used.

1. 들어가면서
2. 기존 한국·중국양금의 연주기술 표기체계
3. 43현개량양금을 통한 새로운 연주기술표현 체계 제시
4. 나가면서
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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]