In the modern information society, science and technology are advancing rapidly. With these unprecedented developments our understanding of the world and human life changes radically. In the intellectual discourse of the 21st century, communication among different systems is strongly required and the importance and necessity of disciplinary convergence are being emphasized. Under these changes are the intrinsic role and value of philosophy still respected? In this essay, I am discussing Wittgenstein`s rigorous demarcation between philosophy and science. Wittgenstein`s approach does not imply an exclusive emphasis on philosophical methodology and a devaluation of scientific methods. According to Wittgenstein, only propositions of natural science make meaningful statements about our empirical world. However, Wittgenstein does not think of a monistic system like science. Wittgenstein`s rigid demarcation between philosophy and science was an effort to secure the uniqueness of ‘``philosophizing’`` by defining a boundary between philosophy and science. Also, this provides verification for better understanding the interactive structure of philosophy and science. Philosophy can help to supply alternatives to prevent possible undesirable developments of the natural sciences by defining the limitation and range of science, but philosophy should not limit its role to logic clarification. Philosophy should focus on its job to reflect the conditions of human life with a critical perspective, and it should offer methodological guidance to find the meaning of life. This will be the way to bring about a mutual recognition and respect of philosophy and science in a tempestuous period of scientific advancement.