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<시치그르이군(郡)의 햄릿〉에 나타난 잉여인간 형상
A Superfluous man in 〈Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District〉
최동규 ( Dong Kyu Choe )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-002087864

This study tries to elucidate on theme of the Superfluous man in the story, 〈Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District〉, which consists of the one of 25 stories in 《A Sportsman`s Sketches》, thus ascertaining the fact that the Turgenev`s superfluous man in his writing is not a socio-political character, but a socio-psychological social type. For this reason, this study surveys characteristic features of the main characters in Turgenev`s early writings from 〈Steno〉 to the 〈Bully〉 which were published before 〈Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District〉, thus find out that most of the early writings before the year of 1847, when Turgenev was directly influenced by Belinky, have the superfluous types, regardless of the difference of the genre, either the poetry or the prose. This study also finds out that these main characters have the psychiatric problem of divided personality, caused by the excessive self-reflect, thus can not have the will power. This study maintains that the main charater of the 〈Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District〉 has the same psychiatric problem and elucidates that Vasilij himself well awares that this problem was caused by the unoriginality of this life style, and he accuses the Moscow circle where he spent for 4 years and got disciplined as the sarcastic satirist who was to analyze his self and others without having any ablity to resolve the problems in realistic life. This study maintains that Vasilij loses three most important things for his real life due to this psychiatric problem, which are the property, the field for activating his knowledge and intellect, and the love. This study also shows how Turgenev exploits the tragedy caused by this problem in the life of Vasilij and his wife Sofia, using allusive narrations and symbols. This study concludes that main theme of the writing is the tragedy of the superfluous man having the divided personality.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]