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따찌야나 똘스따야(Т. Толстая)의 『끼시(Кысь)』와 민담과의 연관성 -민담,반민담적 요소, 구술성과 기술성을 중심으로
Connection of T. Tolstaya`s Novel 『Kys`』with Fairy Tale - Fairy Tale,Anti-Fairy Tale, Orality and Literacy
박미령 ( Mee Ryoung Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-002095737

T. Tolstaya``s novel 『Kys``』represents ‘the encyclopedia of the Russian literature’ according to the review of many critics. In『Kys``』the story begins with new civilization after ``Explosion``. Since the developed civilization has been destructed by ``Explosion``, a primitive civilization begins even though there is a trace of previous civilization in new civilization. The structure of this novel is formed with the fairy tales. However, It becomes an anti-fairy tale by destructing the structure of fairy tale. The elements of anti-fairy tale force readers to reflect upon this novel carefully. Benedict, a hero of the novel, is similar to Fool Ivan in Russian fairy tale. The structure of this novel is similar to the adventure of Ivan and represents the mythical and fairy background of half-human and half-animal being. The elements of anti-fairy tale contrary to the reader``s expectation destroy the utopia of the fairy tale completely. The kind-hearted Benedict becomes malicious. This transformation shows the problem of anti-utopian real world and the ambivalent nature of human. This novel contains the many elements of Russian literature and culture. The Russian literature weaved in this novel shows the intertexual relation to the readers. The elements of Russian literature represent the literacy and the speech of Benedict and the storyteller the orality. The orality is used together with the literacy very effectively in this novel. The orality is related to the thinking and memory of person. This novel shows how important the memory is. Memory has played an important role of the preservation of mankind. However, the development of literal culture minimizes the importance of memory and human becomes free from the oral tradition. In the novel Tolstaya gives emphasis to the importance of orality and oral tradition.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]