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소규모 헤어미용업 종사자들의 직무스트레스 및 근골격계질환 증상 조사
Job stress and symptoms of the musculoskeletal disorders of small hair shop workers in Daegu city
박지은 ( Ji Eun Park ) , 배상임 ( Sang Im Bae ) , 배진아 ( Jin Ah Bae ) , 신세림 ( Se Rim Shin ) , 진소라 ( So Ra Jin ) , 송영우 ( Young Woong Song )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-400-002092769

This study investigated the job stress levels and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders of small hair shop workers in Daegu city. Seventy five hair shop workers were interviewd for job stress and musculoskeletal disorders, and work postures of the six work types were evaluated using REBA method. Forty three workers (57.3%) reported the musculoskeletal symptoms (shoulder 29.3%, neck 26.7%, hand/wrist/finger 24%, arm/elbow 22.7%, low back 22.7%, leg/foot 21.3%). Work posture evaluation score was high in the activities of shampoo, magic, and firm. Work stress levels were not high but the job demand of male workers was higher than the average level of Korean workers.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]