Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate the job stressors of the staffs working at private university in Daegu. This study was conducted using online questionnaire made by the google docs. A questionnaire consisted of 43 questions according to the KOSHA GUIDE H-67-2012. We sent e-mail containing questionnaire to 402 staffs. A total of 65(16.2%) questionnaires were collected. Among the eight fields of stressors, the job demands (men 54.2) was higher than the median value of Korean workers. For each male and female workers in each department when compared to the median, for men the headquarters job demand (+12.4), and workplace culture (+8.3) area, for women job demands Headquarters (+4.1) was significantly higher than the median area, College / graduate man relationship conflict (+24.9), organizational structure (+19.0), job demands (+4.1) was significantly higher than the median area, College / graduate women the organization system (+2.4) were higher than the median area. I felt fine for each of the items look the most significant burden, Headquarters for both men and women who get the job done now instructed to make a case before the other day and several tasks at the same time is when you need to. University / School of the man, ``My boss to help you complete the task that is not sufficient`` is a case, College / graduate women my career development and promotion are expected to be a passably good point lower part is feeling the greatest burden. For the management of stress factors and other wise control of overload the amount of work, personnel management system (promotion, department placed, etc,) also can be an important element refleted impartialement and raisonnable. Prevention management of job stress methods : ask to a specialist to personally, make a recommendation immediate supervisor, change of work shifts cycles, write worker``s daily schedule and other, self- observation, relaxation training, meditation, Psychiatric treatment, yoga, massage and so on.