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초등영어 6학년 교사용 지도서 듣기, 말하기 활동 분석: 의사소통기능과 언어형식 관점에서
An Analysis of the Listening and Speaking Activities in 6th Grade Elementary School English Teachers` Guide books in Terms of Communicative Function and Language Form
이미정 ( Mi Jung Lee ) , 손중선 ( Joong Sun Sohn )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-002098541

The purpose of this study is to analyze three 6th grade elementary school English Teachers’ Guide books in terms of communicative function and language form. The listening and speaking activities in each lesson unit were examined. Four kinds of problematic activities were found through the examination: (1) activities in which learners’ attention is not drawn to the relationship of the function and form, but to the grammatical object or complement words, (2) activities in which learners are not given enough chances to practise interrogatives although the main goal is ‘to be able to ask and answer’, (3) activities involving just one verb whose usage is so limited that the learners are likely to conceive the language form as an idiomatic expression, and (4) activities conducted with the communicative function that is not correctly defined. Some ideas for effective Focus on Form instruction for elementary school English learners are suggested.(Daegu Duryn Elementary School, Daegu National University of Education)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]