A 72-year-old man with jaundice by ampullary adenocarci-noma was treated at our hospital. For biliary decompression, a transpapillary, fully covered, self-expandable metal stent (FCSEMS) was deployed. Four days later, the patient devel-oped acute cholangitis. Endoscopic carbon dioxide cholan-giography revealed kinking of the common bile duct above the proximal end of the FCSEMS. A 7-F double-pigtail plastic stent was therefore placed through the FCSEMS to correct the kink, straightening the common bile duct (CBD) and im-proving cholangitis. This is the first report of a unique use of a double-pigtail plastic stent to correct CBD kinking. The place-ment of a double-pigtail plastic stent can correct CBD kink-ing, without requiring replacement or addition of a FCSEMS, and can lead to cost savings. (Gut Liver, 2015;9:251-252)