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열처리 냉각방식 변화에 따른 SCr420HB 헬리컬 기어 시뮬레이션적용에 관한 연구
Research A Study on SCr420HB Helical Gear Deformative Simulation by Heat Treatment Quenching Method
변재혁 ( J H Byun ) , 변상덕 ( S D Byun ) , 이창헌 ( C H Yi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002110238

In this study, a simulation was used to derive an optimal process of heat treatment with carburizing, and compared the derived result with SCr420HB helical gear in heat treatment with carburized quenching process about a change of the quenching method. The optimal carburizing process time is derived by the simulation with the theoretical time. The process has been performed by oil quenching and salt quenching method. Through the comparison of the results from the simulation(Hardness, effective case depth hardened by carburizing treatment and deformation) and the actual process, analyzed the error value of each quenching. And it verified the applicability of the simulation.(rECEIVED dECEMBER 26, 2014; rEVISED jANUARY 2, 2015; ccepted January 7, 2015)

1. 서 론
2. 실험 방법
3. 실험 결과 및 고찰
4. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]