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권역단위 농촌지역개발사업의 주민역량 측정을 위한 설문도구개발
Development of a Survey Table for Measurement Regional Community Capacity on Rural Development Project of Region Unit
리신호 ( Shin Ho Rhee ) , 민흥기 ( Heung Gi Min ) , 윤성수 ( Sung Soo Yoon ) , 정남수 ( Nam Su Jung ) , 장우석 ( Woo Seok Chang )
농촌계획 vol. 20 iss. 4 165-182(18pages)
DOI 10.7851/ksrp.2014.20.4.165
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002108574

The purpose of this study was to develop survey tools for diagnosis of capacity levels in business promotion of rural residents when performing a rural development project of a regional unit. The cases of previous studies were analyzed to select community capacity indicators related to a rural development project. Five indicators were derived : social capital, consciousness of participation, community spirit, and leadership. Based on the five indicators, measurement items of various capacities were selected and 54 survey items were selected through evaluation of experts twice. The pilot tests were conducted and targeted at Jeonnam song ho-jung village and Gyeongnam Haegeumgang village to identify derived survey items. In addition, descriptive statistic analysis and reliability analysis were conducted. As a result, survey items were corrected by reducing 10 items of the total 54 items. This results showed that using this tool could help us understand capacity levels of rural residents.

I. 서 론
II. 선행연구고찰
III. 연구내용 및 방법
IV. 지역사회 역량 측정을 위한 설문항목개발
V. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]