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SNS의 개인행위 특성요인이 사용의도에 미치는 영향
The effect of personal characteristic factors on the usage of SNS
손달호 ( Dal Ho Son )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-300-002112549

SNS(Social Network Services) is being recognized as an important part in our society, individual lives and corporate business aspects, and the influence of SNS is growing explosively as expansion and supply of infrastructures that support mobile environments increase. Previous studies related to SNS were focused on user acceptance of new technology, based on Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). However, they had a limitation to focus on technology acceptance, without the consideration of personal and behavioral factors in SNS use. However, above all, successful SNS requires the understanding of users who are active on the network. Therefore, from the user`s perspective, this study attempted a multi-dimensional approach by reflecting characteristics that come from SNS usage. This study considered user innovation, virtual skill, self-efficacy, social pressure and network effect as independent variables, and perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness and perceived value as mediating variables, and intention-to-use as dependent variable. The result showed that user innovation, self-efficacy, social pressure and network effect had a significant effect on the mediating variables. The practical contribution of this study is to suggest useful decision alternatives concerned to marketing strategy for acquiring and retaining lone-term customers related to SNS business.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]