The present study aimed to provide the basic data for the development of family volunteer programs to improve the family health. The study was carried out by analyzing 39 families (n=98), which had attended family volunteer programs made by social welfare facilities for the elderly. The effects of family volunteering activity on the family health were analyzed. Moreover case studies of the workers for family volunteer programs were performed. The Results demonstrated that first, the analysis for the effects of family volunteering activities on the family health by using one group pretest-posttest design revealed that the activity of family volunteering significantly influenced the family health. In particular, family values in common, family commitment, and communication within family members were markedly improved. Next, case studies of the workers demonstrated that family volunteer programs were developed not only for volunteering activities, but also for family members themselves. In contrast to the other volunteering programs, family volunteer programs were evaluated by the family volunteering activities as well as by their unity at the end of the program. Therefore, the present study suggests as follows for activating family volunteering programs:l) the development and management of programs suitable for the voluntary activities of a family unit; 2) flexible work system based on individuality getting ready for the time for the family volunteering activity; and 3) the participation of professional in the family therapy and welfare.