벼 품종에 따른 유묘기 키다리병 발생비율 조사를 위해 남부 평야지에서 재배하는 자포니카 33품종을 대상으로 도장정도와 고사정도를 기준으로 키다리병 발병율을 조사한 결과 남평 등 2품종은 식물체의 1% 이하로 발병하여 키다리병에 저항성이 강한 것으로 나타났으나, 호품 등 9품종은 동일 조건에서 5%이상의 높은 발병율을 보여 키다리병에 대해 감수성인 것으로 나타났다. 키다리병 발병율은 품종에 관계없이 병원균 포자의 농도, 노출시간에 비례하여 증가하며 특히 감수성 품종인 호품벼는 그 증가 속도가 더욱 심함을 알수 있었고 이들 감수성 품종들은 염수선을 통한 종자선정이 특히나 키다리병예방에 중요한 역할을 함을 실험적으로 알수 있었다. 또한 이들 품종간에 지베렐린에 의한 초장 및 중배축 신장 반응 차이가 나타나는 것으로 보아 키다리병 저항성 기작에 지베렐린에 대한 생리적 민감도가 밀접히 연관되어 있음을 추론할수 있다.
Rice bakanae disease caused by the fungus Fusarium fujikuroi, is one of the most important rice diseases and distributed widely in Asia. Infected seedlings are elongated, more slender and slightly chlorotic when compared to healthy seedlings by the secretion of gibberillic acid(GA3) from the fungus. But resistant responses of rice culivars was unknown yet. The objective of this study is to compare the response of different cultivars of rice to infection with bakanae and treatment with gibberellic acid. Resistance evaluation of 33 rice varieties against Fusarium fujikuroi was conducted in field seedling test. Finally, Two resistant cultivars(Nampyong, Saenuri) and thirty-one susceptive cultivars(Hopum., etc) were selected. And the length of the elongated seedlings was measured, and the percentage of death of the seedlings after infection was also counted. The disease symptoms such as leaf dryness were appeared in the ``Nampyeongbyeo`` from 30 days at the concentration of 104pores/㎖culturing at 30℃ and then the other varieties withered 20 days after seeding. And susceptive cultivar was more faster than resistant cultivar in seed germination and stem elongation. Thus, a significant correlation might be found between the length of the seedling treated with GA3 and disease injury by bakanae fungus. This study indicated GA related genes might be important resources for improvement of bakanae resistance in rice breeding programs.