Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test and verify on the interrelationship among Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Humidifier Goods industry. Methods: We use the frequency-analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multi-regression analysis and structural equation modeling analysis by using SPSS 12.0 and LISREL 8.80 as a statistical analysis tool Results: The influence of Service Quality(SQ) on Customer Satisfaction(CS) is significant and the influ-ence of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty(CL) is significant. However the influence of SQ on CL is not significant. Finally, we verify that CS mediate the effects between SQ and CL. Conclusion: The Market size of the Humidifier goods industry will be increased rapidly. And then, more research and study were needed on the Service Qualty and Customer Satisfaction. Especially, we have to pay attention to the distribution channel of the Humidifier goods industry.