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KCI 등재
저소득가정의 사회적 배제, 가정자원 및 탄력성의 구조방정식 모형
Social Exclusion, Family Resources, and Resilience of Low-Income Families: A Structural Equation Model
김미영 ( Mi Young Kim ) , 박미석 ( Mee Sok Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002291905

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of family resources on social exclusion and the resilience of low-income families. To be more specific, this study categorized the level of social exclusion into five dimensions: work, housing, health, education, and social participation. Further, family resources were categorized into the two dimensions of “internal resources of the family” and “external resources of the family” in order to evaluate the effects of the two differentiated dimensions on social exclusion and the resilience of low-income families. The data of low-income families for the period of August 23 to September 28, 2012, were collected from community welfare centers that manage individual development accounts and local self-sufficiency centers; 302 cases were considered. The main results of this study were as follows: firstly, the model analysis proved that family resources as a parameter was significant, not only statistically but also theoretically and practically. Secondly, while a negative relationship was found between social exclusion and family resources, a positive relationship was found between family resources and resilience. This implied that the alleviation of a low-income family’s social exclusion level could become an important intervention for the improvement of the family’s functioning and strengths. Further, it implied that the qualitative improvement of the family’s resources that affected the promotion of the resilience could be a basis for another practical intervention. These results suggested crucial implications for the development of comprehensive policies for addressing poverty issues.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]