This thesis is focused on the political impact of Yesong (禮訟), which occurred in the mid to late 17th century and continued until Gyeongsinhwanguk (庚申換局). This thesis examines the change of political terrain which was result of Yesong, from the standpoint of political dynamics between king and Bungdang(朋黨). Yesong was the most significant issue in the world of politics and thought, This debate was originated from the difference of opinion that whether Hyojong (孝宗) Jeokjangja (嫡長子) or Jungseoja (中庶子). People disputed controversy at the state of division. Namin (南人) asserted the former, and Seoin (西人) insisted the latter. The political impact in Yesong happened in 1659 and 1674 lasted to 1680, but an aspect was different by the time. For each situation the king showed different response according to the state of debate. In the Gihaeyesong (已亥禮訟), Hyojong`s position on the Jongtong (宗統) was not be confirmed. But superficially Seoin`s contention was admitted, and political landscape which is lead by Seoin was not changed. In the process of controversy a sings of political struggle was implicitly emerged, but the decision which was based on Grand Rule of Laws(經國大典) Blocked severe conflict. Situation in Gabinnyesong (甲寅禮訟) was different from that of Gihaeyesong. Hyeonjong(顯宗) changed his lukewarm decision at the Gihaeyesong and actively participated in controversy, and Hyojong`s position determined to Injo (仁祖)`s Jeokjangja. In that progress Seoin`s rituala theory was considered incorrect and as a result Namin`s ideological justification was intensified. But Hyeonjong did not change the political regime, also didn`t punish Seoin. Immediately after Gabinnyesong, Hyeonjong passed away and Sukjong(肅宗) was crowned, replacement of the ruling forces arose and Namin occupied important position in the govenment. The reason of replacement was that Seoin ``misinterpretation of ritual`` in the course of controversy. In other words, political impact of Yesong made regime change right after the enthronement of Sukjong. In that process Sukjong actively mobilized Cheoksin (戚臣), a group that closely related to political power of the king. Namin`s regime was approved by means of authorization of their ritual theory`s validity, so Sukjong could led the political dynamics between king and Bungdang. A period from enthronement of Sukjong to Gyeongsinhwanguk, political situation was led by Namin and Cheoksin. Namin continued criticism of Seoin`s ``misinterpretation of ritual`` by means of Gomyo (告廟) and tried to seize military power. Seoin`s downfall and regime of Namin was practically approved by Sukjong, at the same time it means that Namin`s ritucal theory was accepted as a doctrine. Restrain Namin`s ideological justness was practically impossible, and a new political action was emerged. When conspiracy of some people belonging to Namin was exposed, Hwanguk (換局) that accompanied with death penalty and mass punishment took place. Hwanguk revealed ideological·political confrontation between seoin and Namin that coexistence was not possible anymore. As a result the nature of Bungdang as a political group that their political goal is to regime the government was clarfied. By Hwanguk, Sukjong intended to control the political relationship between himself and ruling Bungdang, deposed Bungdang, and Cheoksin. In that process the presence of Bungdang which were considered political taboo in the past was officially recognized, and depending on the political dynamics between king and Bungdang political changes took place. At this point the political impact of Yesong was terminated, and a new political terrain was emerged, and at the center of that was check and balance between king and Bungdang, and Hwanguk.