This study is aimed to analyze consumers` purchasing behavior and satisfaction with beauty social commerce and determine avenues for improvement. The following results were obtained: According to analysis of purchase behavior for beauty social commerce, 53.6%responded that they had visited a beauty social commerce site at least once. Regarding satisfaction with beauty social commerce, positive answers were relatively high in ‘convenient search and easy use’ and ‘satisfying beauty service products’ in terms of satisfaction with the site and ‘able to get the services at low prices’ and ‘willing to recommend beauty social commerce products to others’ in terms of satisfaction with the product. But negative responses were high in ‘willing to write a comment on the product’ and ‘lower quality service compared to the offline service’. In terms of gender, satisfaction was higher in female consumers(p<.05). In particular, the intention to revisit the beauty social commerce site was higher in the female group, the group with high educational background and the group with shopping experience through a smartphone or PC(p<.05). This study shows that social commerce has been established as a new shopping culture that should not be overlooked from the marketing perspective as well. To guide beauty social commerce in the right direction, therefore, it is necessary to manage systematic problems, earn customer trust and enhance quality of service.