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동물복지 관점에서의 한국 사육곰 구호정책 개선방안
Improvement Disciplines for Relief Policy of Breeding Bears at the Persperctive of Animal Welfare in the Republic of Korea
이정환 ( Jung Hwan Lee ) , 이관규 ( Gwan Gyu Lee ) , 이민주 ( Min Ju Lee ) , 차진열 ( Jin Yeol Cha )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-002046839

South Korea had encouraged farmers to breed bear to increase farmer`s income since 1981. Currently farmers breed over thousand number of bears, however but the policy measures for breeding bears is expected to conflict the main stream of bear conservation due to South Korea belong to the member of CITES, which categorizes and manages bears under Wild Fauna and Flora Protection Act. Government needs to establish a special law containg the win-win relief strategy not only for farmers of breeding bears, but international corresponding policy. So, we have reviewed the domestic status and international trends on breeding bears, and suggest the alternative strategies of the policy such as a bear park, a bear village, use of species recovery center, use of a preservation organization. This policy should be accompanied with more detailed fact analysis, management agency, well equipped welfare facility and financial preparation for proper management of breeding bears against changing international trends on wildlife conservation.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]