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세포유전학적 분석을 통한 염색체 이상 산전진단
Chromosome Abnormalities of Prenatal Diagnosis by Cytogenetic Analysis
우미정 ( Mi Jung Woo ) , 최진선 ( Jin Sun Choi ) , 송남희 ( Nam Hee Song ) , 고회정 ( Hee Jung Ko ) , 오선경 ( Sun Kyung Oh ) , 박찬욱 ( Chan Wook Park ) , 박중신 ( Joong Shin Park ) , 전종관 ( Jong Kwan Jun ) , 김석현 ( Seok Hyun Kim ) , 박교훈 ( Kyo Hoon Park ) , 문신용 ( Shin Yong Moo
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-002055476

In thin study, we reported cytogenetic results and chromosomal abnormality rate according to indications in amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), and fetal blood sampling. We analyzed 500 cases of amniotic fluid cells, CVS, and fetal blood using standard cytogenetic techniques for screening chromosome abnormalities in Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Population, Seoul National University from January to December in 2012. The most frequent indication of amniocytes was abnormal maternal serum maker (36.3%), followed by abnormal ultrasonographic findings (22.8) and advanced maternal age (22.6). Chromosomal abnormalities of amniotic fluid samples were detected in 23 cases (4.9%). Down syndrome (1.5%) was the most common abnormality. In 4 translocation cases, one case of balanced reciprocal translocation and 3 cases of Robertsonian translocation were inherited by parent. Chromosome abnormality of fetal blood was detected in 2 cases of 12 cases contained trisomy 13 and mosaicism. These data provide information about the probable risks and benefits for prenatal counseling of pregnant women with the high risk.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]