In this paper I will try to reveal some important implication of the famous webtoon Misaeng by reading it as a problematic social text which represents our social reality as well as the deep sensibility and unconsciousness of people who live in that reality. My focus consists not only in ‘what the text says’ but also in ‘what can be told by the text.’ A point of originality or universality in Misaeng is closely related with the subject which the text orients itself to: “the middle subject.” According to the world view of Misaeng which concentrates on concrete landscape of everyday life, a man has to be seen in his ordinary life as well as in the structure, and on that “grid of square” there is no meaningless path. The webtoon Misaeng is one of the most powerful mass culture texts which tries to reframe the ‘language of labor’ of our age against the dominating contemporary tendency of ignoring and discounting the meaning of labor. It asks us, the middle subject, about the (im)possibility of “community” which is based on the skills of collaboration and rhythms of ritual in the work place. When the workplace can no longer be a place for meaning and community, one more important meaning disappears from it: the possibility of growth. Misaeng as a bildungsroman of our age can be read as a text desperately seeking for the possibility of growth in spite of all conditions which prohibit the occasion and place for growth.