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중학교 교육과정과 교육철학의 적용: 비판적 사고(critical thinking)를 중심으로
Middle School Education Curriculum and Application of Philosophy of Education: Focusing on Critical Thinking
심승환 ( Seung Hwan Shim )
교육철학연구 35권 4호 125-151(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001619250

교육철학은 ``교육``을 중심으로 이론과 실천이 연결된 영역인데 그간 이론적 연구와 수업현장의 적용사이에 상당한 간극이 존재하였다는 반성에서, ``비판적 사고``를 중심으로 한국의 중학교 교육목표와 교육과정에 교육철학이 어떻게 연관되며 적용되어야 할지 실제적인 차원에서 논의한다. 비판적 사고는 합리적인 사고과정과 열린 탐구의 정신을 지향함으로써 좋은 교육을 구현할 수 있는 이론적 탐구와 실천 활동을 유도한다. 본고에서는 특히, 중학교 국어 및 사회 교과서의 구체적인 내용을 가지고 비판적 사고 수업 방법의 하나의 모델을 제시하면서 교사와 학생이 어떻게 교과 수업의 과정에서 교육철학적 성찰을 구현할 수 있을지를 보여준다. 연구자는 립맨의 탐구공동체의 탐구 절차와 브라운과 킬리의 핵심질문을 활용한 비판적 사고과정을 구체적 수업전개과정에 적용하여 각 단계별 진행방식을 실제적으로 논의하였다.

Philosophy of education is the area in which theory and practice is connected, centering on ‘education.’ However, based on self-reflection that there has been a significant gap between theoretical study and application at the actual class settings, this study discusses about, at the practical level, with a focus on ‘critical thinking,’ how philosophy of education is related to the Korean middle school education objectives and education curriculum, and how it should be applied. In particular, the specific contents of the middle school Korean Language and Social Science subjects are used to suggest one of the models for critical thinking class method, and how the reflection from the perspective of philosophy of education can be realized by teachers and students at the curriculum subject level. All of the middle school education objectives, such as, learning from a wide variety of experiences and knowledge, seeking out the future career, basic academic capabilities required for learning and daily life, problem-solving ability, creative thinking power, understanding of various cultures and values, communication abilities, or attributes and attitudes as a citizen of a democratic society, are closely related to critical thinking in which meaning and causal relations are inquired, proper choices and judgments are pursued, and inquire different alternatives with an open mind. This is because the in-depth, philosophical inquiry and discussion on ‘What is it?’ ‘Why is it’ or ‘What are other aspects?’ is inextricably related to the process of learning and growing of a human being in terms of intellect and character. This is the essence of philosophy of education and the ideal that philosophy of education must realize. The significance of this study is to suggest one model on how the in-depth philosophy of education reflection on what is right and good in the human life can be realistically realized in the actual class settings in which a specific text is utilized for teaching.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]