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KCI 후보
사례연구 : 병원의 아웃소싱과 조직유효성의 관계에 관한 연구
A Study on Relationship between Outsourcing and Organizational Effectiveness in Hospital
김영훈 ( Young Hoon Kim ) , 오수진 ( Su Jin Oh ) , 김한성 ( Han Sung Kim ) , 김기훈 ( Key Hoon Kim ) , 김효정 ( Hyo Jeong Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001638931

The purpose of this study is to make managerial information regarding outsourcing more concrete by identifying and evaluating how outsourcing as an useful strategic tool for hospitals influences organizational effectiveness. The survey was performed to 311 general hospitals and tertiary hospitals, and 63 questionnaires were recovered and analyzed. As the result of measuring organizational effectiveness after introduction of outsourcing, non-financial performance(3.34) was higher than financial performance(3.25) and satisfaction(3.08). According to the characteristics of organizational structure, financial performance showed statistically significant difference when categorizing the hospitals. It was higher in the general hospitals than in the tertiary hospitals. In addition, the hospitals that outsource the logistic and patient affairs parts have higher financial performances than non-financial ones. Especially, there was statistically significant difference depending on the sub-parts of the logistics, which means the hospitals outsourcing the logistic part have higher financial performance than the hospitals without outsourcing the logistics.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]