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통증경험이 치과공포에 미치는 영향
The influence of pain experience upon dental fear
주온주 ( On Ju Ju ) , 박정순 ( Chung Soon Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001951259

Objectives: The aim of the study is to offer basic data that help to reduce dental fear by measuring adult dental fear level with DFS scale. Methods: The subjects were 300 persons including college students in W University and their parents in Jeollabuk-do Province. Data were collected by convenience sampling from May 1 to May 30, 2013. Results: 1. Dental clinic visit provoked pain in 99 people(47.4%). Oral examination and preventive treatment evoked pain in 13 people(6.2%). 2. Women tended to feel much pain than men. Both women and men felt the thrilling fear when a needle pricks the flesh. 3. Respondents having dental caries, gum bleeding, halitosis, shaking tooth, and painful tooth had a higher dental fear level. 4. The direct pain experience(p<0.001) had the greatest influence. The next influencing factor was the insufficient anesthesia(p<0.05). 5. The explanatory power that the pain experience has influence upon dental fear is R2=0.151. Conclusions: The direct pain experience and the insufficient anesthesia experience have the great influence upon patients` dental fear level. Anesthetics and analgesics can be considered as one of the positive methods for pain control.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]