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KCI 등재
건설업 종사자 안전의식 측정을 위한 설문 개발과 검증
Development and Verification of Questionnaire for Measurement of Safety Perception and Attitude in Construction
최진우 ( Jin Woo Choi ) , 박찬식 ( Chan Sik Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001815741
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

This study was conducted to develop the questionnaire for the measurement of safety perceptions and attitudes and test its reliability and validity. 10Experts of construction safety selected each 20 questions to survey safety perception and attitude of managers and labors. Two types of questionnaire were distributed, total 277 people responded to the survey. The SPSS package program was used in both the reliability and validity analysis of surveyed data. The reliability of the each questionnaire was analysed to be appropriate after correcting and modifying the questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaires was sufficiently affirmed through Kruska-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test This study confirmed that it is appropriate to apply DAGMAR to the questionnaires for ease and direction of improvement.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]