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실버여성의 사회계층에 따른 미용실 이용현황에 관한 연구
Regular Articles : A Study of Use of Beauty Salon by Social Strata in Elderly Women
조경순 ( Kyoung Soon Cho ) , 전해정 ( Hae Jung Chon ) , 이종숙 ( Jong Sook Lee )
대한미용학회지 9권 4호 435-444(10pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-002073170

Thanks to economic growth and advances in the field of medicine, life expectancy has increased in Korea. At the same time, the ratio of aged population has been on the rise. This kind of aging trend means increase in old age and expansion of silver industry. Therefore, this study has analyzed the use of beauty salon by social strata against aged consumers. According to the analysis, a statistical difference in frequency of beauty salon visits, amount of consumption and beauty salon services was observed by social strata in the use of beauty salon. In terms of the frequency of beauty salon visits, ‘every 2~3 months’ was the highest. When asked how much they usually spend at a beauty salon, ‘KRW 10,000~20,000,’ ‘KRW 30,000~50,000’ and ‘KRW 20,000~50,000’ were most responded for haircut, permanent and dyeing, respectively. However, the percentage of ‘KRW 10,000~20,000’ or ‘handling my hair on my own’ response was high as well. When asked what service they usually get at a beauty salon, ‘perm’ was the highest. Many respondents said that they tend to visit the same beauty salon.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]