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CASE REPORT : Open Access ; A Case of Anisakiasis Invading the Stomach and the Colon at the Same Time after Eating Anchovies
( Sung Ho Kim ) , ( Chan Woo Park ) , ( Sung Keun Kim ) , ( Sam Won ) , ( Woo Kyung Park ) , ( Hye Reen Kim ) , ( Kwan Woo Nam ) , ( Gye Sung Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001903975
This article is 4 pages or less.
* This article cannot be purchased.

Anisakiasis of the gastrointestinal tract is caused by the ingestion of raw fish or uncooked food infested with Anisakis larvae. A large number of cases of gastric anisakiasis have been reported in countries where the eating of raw fish is customary. However, there have been few reports of anisakiasis of the colon confirmed by colonoscopy and also very few reports of endoscopic ultrasonographic findings of anisakiasis. A 47-year-old man had epigastric pain with nausea after eating raw anchovies. Endoscopy found a living tubular structure penetrating into the lesser curvature of the stomach and the midtranseverse colon area. It was withdrawn with biopsy forceps. We report a case of anisakiasis simultaneously invading the stomach and the colon confirmed by endosopic utrasonographic findings and biopsy findings.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]