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KCI 등재
조선시대 가봉태실의 中央胎石(중앙태석)에 대한 양식과 변천
Style and Development on Jungang Taeseok of Gabong Taesil in the Joseon Dynasty
심현용 ( Hyun Yong Shim )
대구사학 113권 99-141(43pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-900-001535191

During the Joseon Dynasty, Taesil(the facility for burying the embryonic cord) for royal babies was sealed up with magnificent stone monuments when the babies became kings. This was known as Gabong Taesil(adding certain rites and stone figures for first Agi Taesil). Among the various stone monuments of Gabong Taesil I chose Jungang Taeseok (central monuments) that consisted of Gaecheomseok, Jungdongseok, and Sabangseok and was most sensitively to the changes in historical background. I referred to literature to examine the chronological order of relics and discuss whether it is possible to organize transition and chronology based on style and to apply the chronology to the stone monuments of Taesil sharing the same style. As a result, it was found that Gaecheomseok, Jungdongseok, and Sabangseok of Jungang Taeseok were sensitive to the changes in historical background and identified as critical elements of chronology. The time of sealing up with magnificent stone monuments for first Agi Taesil also did not match the order of enthronement of kings. Considering Sabangseok, Jungdongseok, and Gaecheomseok to organize the order of overall style of Jungang Taeseok, the transition was classified into four major phases. In the early Joseon Dynasty, Taesil Gabong was barely created and Jungang Taeseok was in a simple shape. Change was attempted from the mid-15th Century and the form became stably proportioned, ornamented, and typical from the mid-16th Century. The overall proportion became obtuse and unharmonized with illustrated patterns of ornaments from the early 19th Century until extinction.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]