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KCI 후보
개인연구 : 1920-30년대 고등보통학생집단의 사회적 특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Social Characteristics of Go-deung-bo-tong School Students in the 1920s-1930s
박철희 ( Cheol Hee Park )
한국교육사학 26권 2호 97-119(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001564529

This paper is a study on the social characteristics of Go-deung-bo-tong school students in the 1920s-1930s. At that time the Go-deung-bo-tong school students had a scarcity value for its small numbers, and this suggests that the Go-deung-bo-tong school students are different from the present secondary school students. I have analysed ages, the process of educational selection, economic stratification of Go-deung-bo-tong school students, which are considered to reveal the characteristics of the group. The result shows that most of Go-deung-bo-tong school students were adults in terms of social age classification, a special group of people that was selected through an intensive competition, and from the propertied class. Some students had various educational backgrounds and social experiences. For this reason, Go-deung-bo-tong school students had the characteristics of adults and elites. So they were people who had intellectual abilities and rich experiences to penetrate the issues of education and society. These intellectual abilities and rich experiences made them resist against the Japanese colonial dominance and be in active such as ``vnarod movement``.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]