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녹색기술 적용촉진을 위한 제도개선 방안: 하수슬러지 및 고농도 액상폐기물을 중심으로
System Improvement Measures for Promoting Application of Green Technology -Focusing on sewage sludge and high concentrated liquid waste-
최지용 , 김창덕
기본연구보고서 2011권 1-166(166pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001761577

우리 나라 하수슬러지 발생량은 2010년 말 기준으로 약 8,419톤/일이고, 고농도 액상폐기물 중 음폐수도 9,142톤/일이 발생하고 있으며, 절반 정도를 해양투기로 처리하고 있다. 현재 하수슬러지와 고농도 액상폐기물을 처리하는 방식으로는 해양투기, 재활용, 소각, 육상매립 등이 있으나 이 중 절대적 비중을 차지하는 해양투기 처리방식은 런던협약(London dumping convention)에 의해 단계적으로 가능하지 않게 되었다. 이에 정부는슬러지 및 음폐수 등에 대한 처리시설 설치와 법령 정비 등의 수용과정을 거쳐 2012년부터 해양투기를 전면 금지하는 정책을 바탕으로 육상처리대책을 마련하여 추진하고 있다. 지금까지 하수슬러지, 음식물쓰레기, 축산분뇨를 포함한 유기성폐기물(하수슬러지와고농도 액상폐기물을 통칭) 처리를 위해 적용한 일부 기법은 막대한 잠재적 에너지원의 고갈 뿐만 아니라 처리로 인해 발생하는 이산화탄소는 지구온난화 가스로 기여하여왔다. 다행히 정부는 2008년에 에너지를 적게 소비하는 저탄소 녹색성장을 새로운 국가 발전전략으로 제시함으로써 국내 환경정책에도 큰 변화를 요구받고 있다. 하수슬러지 등유기성폐기물 처리에 있어서도 과도한 에너지를 사용하지 않으면서 환경에 부담을 주지않는 최적의 기술을 발굴하여 확대 적용하는 방안이 모색되어야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 저탄소 녹색성장에 적합한 하수슬러지 등 유기성폐기물의 처리방안을 도출하고 이들이 확대 보급될 수 있는 정책방안을 제안하였다. 최근 하수슬러지 처리를 위해 발전소 혼소와 퇴비화 등 자원화와 소각과 매립 등최종 처분 등 다양한 방법을 동원하고 있다. 퇴비화의 경우 토양오염 등 여러 문제가지적되고 있는데, 특히 장기간 토양에 퇴비화한 하수슬러지를 적용하는 것이 환경에 미치는 영향에 대해 문제가 되고 있다. 그리고 기존의 단순 직매립 방식도 침출수 누출등의 환경 문제와 온실가스 문제를 유발한다는 점에서 또한 소각도 비용이 가장 높은 처리 방식으로 적절하다고 보기 어렵다. 특히 우리 나라는 음폐수 및 가축분뇨와 같은 고농도 액상폐기물이 발생하여 이들의 처리문제도 동시에 해결할 수 있는 방안도 모색하여야 한다. 이런 측면에서 매립지를 이용한 슬러지 및 고농도 액상폐기물의 처리방식에 주목해보고자 한다. 매립지를 이용한 하수슬러지 및 고농도 액상폐기물의 처리는 이미 "바이오 리액터(Bio Reactor) 매립지"로 미국을 비롯한 일부 국가에서 활발하게 연구되고 있다. 바이오 리액터 매립지란 기존의 침출수 재순환식 매립지와 구별하여, 침출수 이외의 액상 물질도매립지 내에 반입하여 매립지의 수분을 40% 정도로 유지하는 혐기성 방식의 매립지이다. 미국은 EPA 주도로 매립지 차단층의 새로운 재질 시공, 침출수 재순환 구조의 설계방식 신규 도입, 침출수 이외의 유기물질 혹은 액상 물질 주입 등의 기준을 완화한 바이오리액터 매립지 방식을 광범위하게 시도하고 있다. 관련 연구 결과를 보면, 바이오 리액터매립지 방식의 도입 결과, 매립지 가스(주로 메탄)의 양은 늘고, 반면 침출수의 수질은 개선되어 환경 부하가 저감되어, 매립지 운영 수익 개선 등의 효과를 가져왔다. 매립지의 조기 안정화는 또한 신규 매립지 수요에 대한 압력도 감소시키는 장점도 있다. 우리 나라의 하수오니 등 관리는 1997년 폐기물관리법을 개정하여 유기성오니 직매립을 금지(2003년 7월 시행)하였다. 2002년에는 오수분뇨 및 축산폐수 처리에 관한 법률을 개정하여 해양배출업체 전량 위탁관리시 축산농가 폐수처리 시설 설치를 면제하였고, 2005년에는 음식물폐기물의 육상 직매립을 금지하였다. 우리 나라의 경우, 음폐수와 축산폐수 등 고농도 유기성 폐기물 처리문제와 연계해 유기성폐기물을 바이오 리액터매립지를 활용해 처리하는 방안을 강구하여 음폐수 등 고농도 액상폐기물 처리로 인한환경문제 해결과 동시에 매립지 가스의 방출을 촉진하고 이를 적극적으로 에너지원화하는 방안의 모색도 필요하다. 정부는 육상폐기물의 해양투기관리 종합대책(2006. 3. 7)에 따라 해양배출량 감축대책을 추진하여 2012년까지 가축분뇨 및 하수오니, 2013년까지 음폐수에 대한 해양배출을 금지할 계획이다. 그러나 문제는 하수오니 등의 무리한 감축 및 배출금지 정책은 오히려육상처분을 증가시켜 하천 및 연안의 오염을 가중시킬 우려가 있다는 점이다. 하수슬러지등 유기성폐기물의 매립시 침출수 차단기술 등 위생매립기술 개발로 지하수 등 수질오염위험성이 줄어들고 있다. 매립지에서 메탄가스 생산 등을 통해 자원화 기술도 개발되고 있다. 반면에 유기성폐기물의 매립 금지로 토양 및 대기 등의 2차오염과 처리를 위한 과다한 에너지 소비와 이로 인한 지구 온난화 가스 배출이 이루어지고 있다.

Amount of sewage sludge generation in Korea is 8,419 ton/day as of the end of 2010 and food waste water in high concentration liquid waste is also generated in 9,142 ton/day, about half of which is disposed by marine dumping. Current methods to treat sewage sludge and high concentration liquid waste include marine dumping, recycling, incineration, and landfill. However, the marine dumping method accounting for an absolute ratio is made impossible by stages under the London dumping convention. Accordingly, the government prepares and promotes measures for inland treatment based on policies to prohibit marine dumping wholly since 2012. Until now, some techniques applied for treating high concentration organic waste including sewage sludge, food waste, and livestock excreta not only has induced exhaustion of enormous potential energy source, but also carbon dioxide generated its treatment consequently has contributed as greenhouse gas. Fortunately the government suggested low carbon green growth consuming low energy as a new national development strategy in 2008, so that large change is required in our domestic environmental policies. Like this, it is required to excavate an optimal technology that does not use excessive energy and gives no load on the environment in treating organic wastes such as sewage sludge and seek a measure to expand its application. Hence in this study, sewage and organic waste treatment measures suitable to the low carbon green growth were drawn and political measures for their expansion and distribution were suggested. Recently various methods including resource recovery such as mixed firing in power plant and composting and final disposal such as incineration and landfill are mobilized in order to treat sewage sludge. On the other hand, several problems such as ground pollution have been pointed out in the composting and in particular the effect of long term land application of the composted sewage sludge on environment is issued as a problem. As traditional simple direct landfill also induces environmental problems such as leachate output and greenhouse gas. In addition, incineration is a method requiring the highest cost, so it is also difficult to be considered as desirable. Especially, because high concentration liquid waste such as food waste water and livestock excreta are produced in Korea, it is needed to seek a measure to solve their treatment problem concomitantly. From these, we planned to focus on the treatment measure for sludge and high concentration organic waste using landfill. The treatment of sludge and high concentration organic waste using landfill has been studied actively as "Bioreactor landfill" in some countries including United States already. The bioreactor landfill is a anaerobic type of landfill that maintains its waster content to about 40% by carrying other liquid substances other than leachate, distinguishing from the existing leachate recycling type landfill. In United States, the bioreactor landfill is widely attempted by construction of new material in the blocking layer of landfill, introduction of new design with leachate recycling structure, and relaxation of criteria for injecting organic or liquid material other than leachate under the lead of EPA. According to the results of related studies, introduction of bioreactor landfill resulted in increase of landfill gas(mainly methane). Also, early stabilization of landfill has an advantage to reduce the pressure of demand for new landfill. In Korea, direct landfill of organic sludge was prohibited (enforced in July, 2003) by revision of Waste Control Act in 1997. In 2002, the Act on the Disposal of Sewage, Excreta, and Livestock waste water was revised to discharge dairy and cattle farms from installation of waste water treatment facility in trust treatment of the whole quantity by marine dumping agents and in 2005, direct inland landfill of food waste was banned. In case of Korea, it is required to seek measure to promote release of landfill gas and make it energy source actively as well as to solve environmental problems caused by treatment of high concentration organic waste water including food waste water by developing a measure to treat organic waste using the bioreactor landfill relating to treatment issues of high concentration organic waste such as food waste water and livestock waste water. The government has a plan to prohibit marine dumping of livestock excreta and sewage sludge by 2012, and of food waste water by 2013 by promoting measures to reduce the amount of marine dumping according to comprehensive measures on marine dumping control of land based waste (Mar 7, 2006). However, unreasonable reduction and discharge prohibition policies of sewage sludge are in danger of adding pollution on the shores of river and ocean by increasing inland disposal. Due to development of sanitary landfill techniques such as leachate blocking technique in landfill of sewage sludge and organic waste, risks of water pollution including groundwater decrease. On the contrary, resource recovery technologies are developed through methane production in landfill. On the other hand from landfill ban of organic waste, excessive energy consumption for treating organic waste, secondary pollution in the air and soil, and discharge of greenhouse gas are resulted. The organic waste including sewage sludge, which is a byproduct that is necessarily generated during people live, should be considered as a resource, not waste and countermeasures to activate biogas from organic waste should be promoted positively as measures to support it. In particular for sewage sludge and various organic wastes, resource recovery measures such as biogas facility using landfill, the existing environmental facility should be sought actively. As it is enabled to use landfill of each city permanently by making it an energy center and produce energy with less expensive and more environmental methods than other renewable energy production such as solar energy, it is possible to accomplish 2 purposes including finial disposal of organic waste and production of renewable energy. Therefore in order to control organic waste such as sewage sludge efficiently, system improvement including bringing organic waste in landfill should be done to apply the low carbon green growth technologies such as bioreactor landfill manner capable of controlling leachate and retrieving landfill gas. Our policy suggestions are as follows. First, review of resource recovery polices reflecting waste feature is required. In this case, consistency maintenance of policies including consistent promotion of current inland disposal measures for sludge is also needed and new green technologies such as bioreactor should be introduced actively on the basis of regional conditions and sludge composition. Second, the waste energy policies must be approached in terms of net energy production. Material recovery appears as indirect discharge in general, but it is generally larger than direct discharge, so that policies for energy recovery from waste and material recycling should be promoted by considering their contribution in total energy. Third, the system should be improved to allow integrated degradation for treatment of sewage sludge and food waste water. When considering C/N ratio and biodegradation rate of sewage sludge and food waste water synergy effect by integration is expected, and thus it is required to improve the system for using the degradation tank in integrated degradation manner or treating them by using landfill facility. Finally, it is required to improve the system to promote application of new green technology. Regulations including types of waste brought in landfill for applying bioreactor should be modified. When bringing food waste water in the anaerobic degradation facility (degradation, landfill, etc) for producing energy, it should be exempted from waste water discharge facilities.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]