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산업계 유기성폐기물의 자원화 촉진방안 연구
A Feasibility Study on Economic and Environmental Aspects for Promoting Resource Recovery from Industrial Organic Wastes
김광임 , 조지혜 , 신상철 , 박현주 , 안세웅 , 윤지희
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001760101

인류문명의 발달과 함께 소비하는 물질도 점진적으로 증가해 왔으며, 이와 비례하여 폐기물의 발생도 함께 늘어나고 있다. 아울러, 점차 심각해지는 기후변화의 위협과 자원의 고갈이 지구환경에 위협적인 요소로 대두되기 시작한 이 시점에서 자원순환의 중요성은 더욱 부각되고 있다. 이제 폐기물은 단순히 버리는 것이 아니라 순환자원으로 재조명되고 있으며 나아가 향후의 지속적인 성장을 위한 밑거름으로서 그 가치가 주목받고 있다. 이 같은 시대적 상황은 폐기물에 대한 처리방식·관리주체·자원화방법 등 폐기물과 관련된 모든 부문에 대한 사고의 전면적 전환을 요구한다. 이에 이 연구에서는 이러한 시대적 요구의 일부분을 반영하여, 다양한 종류의 폐기물 중에서 사업장유기성폐기물을 대상으로 효율적인 자원화방법, 효율적인 폐기물관리방안에 대하여 고찰하였다. 구체적으로 이 연구에서는 기존에는 생활계유기성폐기물과 사업장유기성폐기물로 나누어 처리·관리하던 방식에서 벗어나 이를 통합·병합 처리하는 방안에 대하여 논의하는 한편 사업장유기성폐기물의 효율적인 자원화방안에 대하여 검토하였다. 아울러, 자원화방법으로는 바이오가스화 및 퇴비화를 중심으로 살펴보았음을 밝힌다.

In this report various methods to promote the resource recovery of industrial organic wastes were applied and estimated through both environmental and economic feasibility studies. In addition, material properties of the industrial organic wastes were compared with current regulation or quality standards. And social and hazardous issues of the current technologies were analyzed to consider its application. Industrial organic wastes described in this study primarily include organic sludges (e.g. wastewater sludge) from food and beverage manufacturing as well as slaughter wastes. In conclusion, the use of industrial wastewater sludges as a refuse derived fuel (RDF) was considered by finding the similarity with the combustion characteristics of sewage sludges. Also, the anaerobic co-digestion of industrial organic wastes with municipal wastes such as food waste is suggested as a strategy to improve the efficiency of digestion and promote the energy recovery of industry-derived wastes. For the economic cost-benefit analysis we assumed that electricity and steam were produced by using the biogas generated from the anaerobic digesters. Further we assume that the production of biogas was conducted by two alternatives: co-digestion and separate-digestion. The first alternative is the case in which a co-digestion facility is built and both the industrial organic wastes and the municipal wastes are managed together in a single facility. On the contrary, the second one means producers build separate facilities which manage each wastes separately. The economic cost-benefit analysis suggested that we are able to achieve higher economical efficiency from the co-digestion case. Also Following solutions are suggested for efficient operation of anaerobic co-digestion facilities; Firstly, digestate derived from anaerobic digestion using the feedstock of industrial organic wastes needs to be utilized as liquid fertilizer to improve the economic feasibility under the safe management of the byproduct. The recycling range of digestate as compost or liquid fertilizer is so important because the treatment cost of the byproducts is closely related to economic profit of biogas facilities. Secondly, this paper suggests that biogas facility-making companies should provide an operation guidelines optimized for their constructions. Moreover, the industry needs to categorize similar construction methods and provide a standardized operation guideline, optimized for the type of construction methods. Thirdly, laws and systems regarding the organic wastes management should be unified, simplified and improved. Especially, the systematic regulations such as installation, inspection, management standards and license processing for the anaerobic co-digestion of municipal and industrial organic wastes should be prepared.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]