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유동 및 응고 시뮬레이션을 활용한 회전자 패밀리 금형의 오버플로우 설계 방안
Overflow Design Methods of Family Mold for Rotor Using the Flow and Solidification Simulation
정재민 ( J M Jung ) , 김창완 ( C W Kim ) , ( Tam Nguyen Van ) , 이경민 ( K M Lee ) , 국중민 ( J M Kuk ) , 진현기 ( H G Jin ) , 홍성길 ( S K Hong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001841863

The family mold casting have advantages which are able to make products with different shapes and dimensions simultaneously in a single mold. In this study, the design of the 4 cavity rotor family mold was used by “Anycasting” software, the defects occurred during die casting were predicted and suggested the best optimization conditions for sound products. The result of the experiment were that the optimum overflow design was needed for gas emission and control of residual oxides. It was clear that the defects positions formed by diecasting were agreed with nearly them predicted by simulation.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]