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공간 능력과 공간 기하적 사고에서 SketchUp활용의 효과 -중학교 1학년 입체도형의 측정 단원을 중심으로-
The impact of Google SketchUp on spatial ability and 3D geometric thinking of 7th grade students in volume measurement of solid figures
이현희 ( Hyun Hui Lee ) , 김래영 ( Rae Young Kim )
수학교육 vol. 52 iss. 4 531-547(17pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-400-001784228

The purpose of the study is to examine how effects of activities using Google SketchUp on students` spatial ability and 3D geometric thinking in measuring the volume of solid figures. By comparing the results from pre- and post-tests between the experimental group and control group, we found that activities using Google SketchUp help students improve their spatial ability in the spatial orientation and visualization. In addition,more than half students in the experimental group moved from level 4 up to level 7 in thinking process of measuring the volume in terms of Battista(2004)`s levels. This study suggests that the instruction with Google SketchUp can help to improve students` spatial ability and 3D geometric thinking in the regular class in middle school. In addition, SketchUp can be an advanced technological tool to support students` self-directed learning, which create an efficient educational environment and a great opportunity to learn geometry in an effective manner.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]