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아고산 지역의 구상나무 분포 변화에 관한 연구
A Study on Changes and Distributions of Korean Fir in Sub-Alpine Zone
김남신 ( Nam Shin Kim ) , 이희천 ( Hee Cheon Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-002046753

This study was carried out to analysis change of distribution and habitat location environment of Korean Fir which is typically vulnerable species by the climate change in Mt. Jiri and Halla. Korean Fir was decreased 18% during 27 year since year 1981, Mt. Halla was 34% during 15 years since year 1988. In the same periods, Temperature change was increased from 8.56 to 9.36°C, from 11.2 to 12.1°C. Distribution changes by the elevation showed higher change ratio 1,400∼1,600m in Mt. Jiri and 1,200∼1,900m in Mt. Halla. Changes of Korean Fir each slope aspects was high 180∼360° in Mt. Jiri, 45° in Mt. Halla. In slope was 30° in Mt. Jiri and 20° in Mt. Halla. Changes by reliefs was 12 in Mt. Jiri , 0 or 15 in Mt. Halla, and Sites of Korean Fir was convex slopes both of two areas. Changes by soils was in the good drainage textures.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]