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『대학(大學)』의 혈구지도(혈矩之道)에 관한 연구
A Study on the way of Xieju in Great Learning
( Sang Ho Lee )
동양철학연구 75권 167-196(30pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-100-001507642

최근 富나 권력을 가진 사람이 사회적 약자의 위치에 있는 사람에 대한 횡포가 계속하여 일어나면서 사회적 물의를 일으키고 있다. 심지어 봉사활동을 간 고등학생들이 병상에 누워있는 할머니에게 소리를 지르고 반말을 하는 등 정도를 넘은 "장난"을 저질러 온라인상에서 큰 논란이 되고 있다. 문제의 원인은 자신의 마음과 남의 마음은 근본적으로 같다는 것을 體得하지 못했기 때문이다. 본래 인간의 마음은 천부적 본성에서 곧고 바르게 발현되어 나오는 마음과 천부적 본성에서 왜곡되고 굴절되어 나오는 마음이 있다. 천부적 본성에서 곧고 바르게 발현되어 나오는 마음은 상황이 바뀌더라도 바뀌지 않는 본마음으로 맹자가 말한 四端이 여기에 해당한다. 본마음에 의해 삶을 영위하게 되면 내 마음과 남의 마음이 같다는 것을 알기 때문에 내 마음을 미루어 남의 마음을 헤아릴 수 있게 된다. 따라서 자신이 하기 싫은 일은 다른 사람도 하기 싫다는 것을 알기 때문에 그 마음을 미루어 남에게 함부로 강요하지 않게 된다. 더 나아가 자신이 하고 싶은 일은 다른 사람도 원한다는 것을 알기 때문에 상대방을 먼저 배려하게 된다. 배려를 받은 상대방은 고마운 마음 을 표현하게 되고, 자신의 처지가 좋아지면 반대로 나를 도와주고 배려해 주게 된다. 하지만 천부적 본성에서 이기적 욕심이 개입되면 본마음이 왜곡되고 굴절되어 나오게 된다. 따라서 자신의 처지나 이익만 중시하고 남의 처지이나 이익은 고려하지 않게 된다. 이러한 마음이 가정으로 확대되면 부부 갈등, 배우자 폭력, 성격 차이 때문에 별거와 이혼으로 이어지고, 학교에서는 학교 폭력이나 왕따 현상으로 나타나고 있으며, 회사나 사회로 확대되면 노사 갈등과 권위적으로 군림하고 부당하게 착취하는 갑과 사회적 약자나 피해자로 보호·지원받아야 하는 대상인 을의 관계, 지역 이기주의, 자연 파괴 등으로 이어지게 된다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 자신의 마음을 미루어 남의 마음을 헤아릴 줄 아는 혈矩之道가 필요하다. 그런데 혈矩之道는 자기의 이익 추구에 기반을 둔 혈구지도와 순수한 본마음에 기반을 둔 혈구지도로 나눌 수 있다. 예를 들면 내가 남을 배려하는 경우, 자기에게 이익이 되기 때문에 남을 배려할 수도 있고, 원래 남과 내가 한마음이라고 여기기 때문에 배려할 수 있다. 오늘날 대부분의 윤리 실천 교육이나 예절 교육 은 서구적 도덕률에 바탕을 두고 자기의 이익을 바탕으로 하는 혈구지 도를 실천하고 있다. 만약 자기의 이익 때문에 남을 배려하는 것이 습관 화되면 반대로 손해가 되면 그러한 마음이 나오지 않게 된다는 한계를 지니고 있다. 이러한 한계를 극복하고 오늘날의 문제를 근본적으로 해결하기 위해서는 인간의 순수한 본마음에 기반을 둔 혈矩之道의 방법으로 돌아가야 한다.

Recently, much social criticism is evoked by some affairs in which persons of power or wealth have continuously acted high-handedly over vulnerable people. Moreover, it has been a great issue in online communities that some high school students who were engaged in community services yelled at and talked down to bed-ridden old ladies. The reason of the problem is that people have not realized their mind is fundamentally the same as others`. Human mind, in itself, consists of one part that is straightforwardly and righteously manifested from the innate nature and the other that is distortedly and perversely manifested from the innate nature. The part of human mind that is straightforwardly and righteously manifested from the innate nature, as the underlying mind that is never changed in different situations, is what Mencius called Four Beginnings. One can read others` minds based on his or her own mind because he or she know that his or her mind is the same as others` when he or she leads a life in terms of the underlying mind. Thus, he or she does not thoughtlessly urge others because he or she knows that others also hate to do what he or she does. Furthermore, he or she naturally considers others first as he or she knows that others also want to do what he or she does. The others who have been subject to his or her consideration will express their gratitude, and hence can help and consider him or her in turn when they are in more favorable situations. However, the underlying mind is distortedly and perversely manifested when egoistic desires interfere with the innate nature. Thus, one cherishes only his or her own positions and interest, but does not consider others`. Domestic conflicts, partner abuse, divorce due to personality differences occur when such an attitude Recently, much social criticism is evoked by some affairs in which persons of power or wealth have continuously acted high-handedly over vulnerable people. Moreover, it has been a great issue in online communities that some high school students who were engaged in community services yelled at and talked down to bed-ridden old ladies. The reason of the problem is that people have not realized their mind is fundamentally the same as others`. Human mind, in itself, consists of one part that is straightforwardly and righteously manifested from the innate nature and the other that is distortedly and perversely manifested from the innate nature. The part of human mind that is straightforwardly and righteously manifested from the innate nature, as the underlying mind that is never changed in different situations, is what Mencius called Four Beginnings. One can read others` minds based on his or her own mind because he or she know that his or her mind is the same as others` when he or she leads a life in terms of the underlying mind. Thus, he or she does not thoughtlessly urge others because he or she knows that others also hate to do what he or she does. Furthermore, he or she naturally considers others first as he or she knows that others also want to do what he or she does. The others who have been subject to his or her consideration will express their gratitude, and hence can help and consider him or her in turn when they are in more favorable situations. However, the underlying mind is distortedly and perversely manifested when egoistic desires interfere with the innate nature. Thus, one cherishes only his or her own positions and interest, but does not consider others`. Domestic conflicts, partner abuse, divorce due to personality differences occur when such an attitude extends to home, school violence or bullying appear in schools, and then labor-management conflicts, the problematic relation between unduly exploiting selectors and vulnerable contractors/employees who should be protected and supported, regional selfishness, nature destruction etc. follow. To settle these matters, it is necessary to adopt the way of Xieju with which the mind of others may be inferred by judging that of yours. However, the way of Xieju can be divided into two ways, one based on self-ego`s interest pursuing and the other based on pure self-ego. For example, to concern about others, you may concern about others because it may become your own self-interest, and concerns may occur because you and others are in one mind. Nowadays, most educations of ethical practice and courtesy rely on western morals, upon which you practice the way of Xieju based on your own self-interest. It has limits in that such mind will not comes out anymore when concerning about others comes from owing to one`s self-interest, and if it becomes habituated and becomes self-loss. To overcome these limits and fundamentally settle down all the matters today, you may come back to the way of Xieju based on human being`s pure mind.extends to home, school violence or bullying appear in schools, and then labor-management conflicts, the problematic relation between unduly exploiting selectors and vulnerable contractors/employees who should be protected and supported, regional selfishness, nature destruction etc. follow. To settle these matters, it is necessary to adopt the way of Xieju with which the mind of others may be inferred by judging that of yours. However, the way of Xieju can be divided into two ways, one based on self-ego`s interest pursuing and the other based on pure self-ego. For example, to concern about others, you may concern about others because it may become your own self-interest, and concerns may occur because you and others are in one mind. Nowadays, most educations of ethical practice and courtesy rely on western morals, upon which you practice the way of Xieju based on your own self-interest. It has limits in that such mind will not comes out anymore when concerning about others comes from owing to one`s self-interest, and if it becomes habituated and becomes self-loss. To overcome these limits and fundamentally settle down all the matters today, you may come back to the way of Xieju based on human being`s pure mind.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]