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컴퓨터 보조 기반 치아 지지 서지컬 템프레이트르 이용한 상악구치부 임플란트 식립
Implant fixture installation in the posterior maxilla by using of tooth-supported surgical template based on computer assisted treatment planning
김성민 ( Soung Min Kim ) , 김명주 ( Myung Joo Kim ) , 이지호 ( Jee Ho Lee ) , 명훈 ( Hoon Myoung ) , 이종호 ( Jong Ho Lee ) , 김명진 ( Myung Jin Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001948816

Two patients with partial edentulous maxilla were scheduled to undergo installation of implant fixtures using a tooth-supported surgical template based on computer assisted treatment planning. After 3-dimensional (3D) computed tomographic scanning was transferred to the OnDemand3D (Cybermed Co., Seoul, Korea) software program for virtual planning, fixtures of MK III Groovy RP implant of the Branemark System (Nobel Biocare AB Co., Goteborg, Sweden) was installed using the In2Guide (CyberMed Co., Seoul, Korea) tooth-supported surgical template with a Quick Guide Kit (Osstem Implant Co., Seoul, Korea) system in the posterior maxilla of each patient. Sinus floor elevation with a xenogenic bone graft procedure was also performed simultaneously in one patient. Fixture installations were completed successfully without complications, such as sinus mucosa perforation, bony bleedings, fenestrations, or others. During the last two-year follow-up period after prosthetics delivery, each implant was found to be fine with no other minor complications. The entire procedures are reported and the literatures on use of tooth-supported surgical template was reviewed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]