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우리나라 병,의원 환자만족도 조사연구에 대한 내용분석, 1990-2005년
Trends in Patient Satisfaction Studies in Korea, 1990-2005
민혜원 ( Hye Won Min ) , 이무식 ( Moo Sik Lee ) , 김은영 ( Eun Young Kim ) , 김철웅 ( Chul Woung Kim ) , 나백주 ( Baeg Ju Na ) , 배석환 ( Seok Hwan Bae )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001714447

Objective: This study performs content analysis on the patient satisfaction articles published by journals as well as theses submitted for academic degrees in Korea since 1990. Methods: The internet was used to search the collection of published articles. Content analysis was performed on the methods of data collection, sample sizes, study methods, satisfaction measurement tools, measurement scales, number of items, reliability and validity. Results: Patient satisfaction surveys in Korea have been carried out since the 1990s. Our search found 36 articles written in the 1990s and another 45 written after 2000. In most studies, the participants were surveyed by self-administered questionnaires, and the patient satisfaction questionnaires had similar content. Most items in the questionnaires were not reviewed for their validity. Few surveys comprehensively evaluated the structures, processes and results of the experiences encountered by the patients. Conclusion: The weakness of patient satisfaction surveys in Korea is that the measurements are subjective rather than objective. It is necessary to diversify the composition of the items in the questionnaires. Question items must be analyzed as to their validity and reliability by conducting pilot and baseline surveys. A set of standardized survey tools and research methods must be constructed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]