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The Model Predicting Telemedicine Adoption by Physicians: Comparison of Theory of Planned Behavior and Technological Acceptance Model
( Jung Yoon Kim ) , ( Hye Jung Chang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001714396

Objective: Though telemedicine has been widely acknowledged for its clinical excellence, technological preeminence, and cost effectiveness, it is still underused or slowly adopted in some areas. Understanding the cognitive and behavioral processes of technology users gives critical information to organizations and managers for successful adoption of new technologies. Thus, acceptance by physicians of telemedicine has received significant attention from information technology adoption researchers. The purpose of this study is to find the best model to explain and predict telemedicine use by physician populations. Methods: The two most frequently cited models, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), were examined and compared by reviewing current studies explaining and predicting physicians` acceptance of telemedicine. The models were compared in terms of conceptual and methodological problems as well as significant constructs in the models. Results: Neither TAM nor TPB can best explain physicians` intention to use, and actual use of telemedicine. While each model had acceptable model validity and accountability, both models were only partially supported. In TPB, attitude was the strongest predictor of intention, whereas other constructs, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control, showed inconsistent results. Perceived usefulness of TAM was the most powerful predictor of physicians` decision to use telemedicine, while perceived ease of use was not significant. Conclusion: Previous research has failed to develop measurements unique to telemedicine adoption. Research must consider factors pertaining to each specific type of technology. These factors include the organizational context, payment issues, and market conditions. Future suggestions for an integrative model of technology adoption are addressed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]