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A.6 : 서비스 품질 : A.6.2 ; 암검진 프로세스효율 향상과 15일 이내 미통보율 감소
Increasing Process Efficiency and Reducing Non-notification within 15days of Screening of Cancer
김향욱 ( Hyang Ok Kim ) , 이난영 ( Ran Young Yi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001595111

The number ofimplemented cancer screening per year of the National Cancer Screening Center was about 8,300. The cancer screening process was inefficient and a significant number of the result was notified to the customers within 15 days. In this study, the six sigma is introduced to improve there process and the problems. As a result, the monthly average cases of cancer screening are increased from 896 to 1,219. In addition, the rate of the notification within 15 days is increased from 66.1% to 98.8%. Moreover, the cancer screenings are activated through the guidelines and standardization of process of the support team. Therefore Customers` satisfaction is higher than before.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]